Famous Last Words

My heartbeat's racing. Palms are sweating. My coat and boots drenched from the summer rain. Then I saw you. From across the room. Smiling. Lighting a cigarette. Just the mere sight of you makes me quiver. And then thoughts came flashing back at me. The way I was when I'm with you... the way I used to act around you. The feelings suddenly came back to me, crushing me with pain, anger, and solitude. And there you were. Still smiling. And it breaks my heart seeing you this way. Seeing you still can't let me go. Still holding on. You stood up, about to go to my direction and I can't move. Can't even think of what to say to you. Then here you come, closer, and closer, and then you said... "Hi." I replied, "hey" not looking straight into your eyes. It was surreal talking to you this way. Surreal that you're even alive after all that's happened to us. You were about to utter another word when I suddenly, just out of nowhere, told you, "Fuck Off. Get out of my life now!" with so much hatred. You were shocked. Everyone in the room was shocked. I seem to have said those words loud enough for everyone to hear. And I stormed out of the room. You were standing still. Your eyes locked on me. And I ran and ran as fast as I could. And I was laughing so hard. I finally said it to your face. And it feels so damn awesome.


No walls. No glass. No hype. no pretenses. Just Me.