Past and Forgotten?

Questions unanswered: Fact or imaginary?  How do we know?
How can we remember? Who and what are we in the past? Is there really a past-life?

Here I go again with my mind-boggling thoughts. Pardon me for creating nonsense problems to think about such as this. But I can't help it. The mystery is killing me. And I just want to share with you guys what I have seen when I was little, in my dreams, which I believed to be a glimpse of my past. It seemed as if I was in the 18th century. If you've seen the film "Somewhere in Time", that's exactly what I saw (well, almost). Anyways, back onto my dream; I was riding a horse-driven carriage and a man wearing a white tuxedo was running behind me. After that, it was all a blur now. That's all I remember. 
I don't know what my reasons were and why it felt so real, like I was there and I am in a different body. But I truly believe that was me. My soul in another body, another era, another lifetime. Maybe that also explains why I love vintage stuff and anything that's from the past. I feel to have a strong connection with it. However, all these, I can just assume the answer to. I will never know. But somehow, I know that I, and all of us will live again in another lifetime.


No walls. No glass. No hype. no pretenses. Just Me.