The Unbridled Creativity

I consider myself blessed. Blessed because I have a loving family and friends surrounding me. Because opportunities always knock on my door. And because I excel in the talent portion aspect. I am not bragging. I don't need to because aside from my boyfriend Matt and my close friend Jacky, I'm the only one, who religiously reads this blog. As a child, I've always been a music lover, and my parents had already seen the potential in me. The singing potential, that is. So, I grew up to sing in a band and compose melodies on my own. I also remember having been influenced by my nerdy brothers to read when I was a kid. I read all of the Nancy Drew books in our library when I was in grade school. So, I believe my talent in writing began there. Thus, I grew up to write my own songs, and obviously, blog everything I want to write about. The artist thing? Now that I think about it, no one really taught me or even encouraged me to pursue it. I guess that's what you call innate and fate. So now, it's what I do for a living. I'm an artist in profession. 

Most artists would most likely agree with me that we have moods. There are times when not a single idea would pop into our minds even if we try to. But there are also times when our creative juices flow continuously, that we have no more room for it. And it's crazy. Sometimes, a melody will randomly pop into my head, then I'll try to compose words to fill it in, but then another idea pops, so on and so forth... 'till I don't know how to begin and end it... yada, yada... hence, no productive result. Same thing happens when I layout or design an article for the travel magazine I work for. A certain font comes into mind, but then a lot of different fonts face before me, done! I'm lost and I can't decide which ones to use. It's sometimes frustrating when you want so many things done, yet so little time. Especially when your creativity screams and you can't let it out. It's very difficult. I recall a musician/artist friend of mine said, "Isn't it possible not to sleep anymore? Because you want to accomplish a lot of things and you're wasting 8 hours just sleeping." Yep, he's an addict. But seriously, I think he actually has a point. Will there ever be enough time and space for all our creativity waiting to be unbridled?


No walls. No glass. No hype. no pretenses. Just Me.