Love Your Own

To all the Presidentiables, I hope this reaches you. "Do not promise the public to resolve poverty and corruption. You are promising them a life lived only in paradise. We must all know better."

What I think the Filipinos need is to stop depending too much on the government. We should all learn to stand up on our own and be our own leader. Each one of us. We should start patronizing our own. And we should begin that now. We used to be the ones being looked up to because we are rich in natural resources and our products and skills are internationally competitive. Now, even Korea has surpassed us. We are always last (if not second or third to the last) on the list (except maybe for boxing, thanks to Manny Pacquiao). The only list we're ahead on others is the list of the top most poor countries. We are ashamed but we're not doing anything about it. Koreans and Japanese are very nationalistic people. I guess that's the reason why they are much wealthier than us now. They always, as much as possible, buy things made from their country. Now, that's impressive. I am not a hypocrite and I won't tell you that I don't like buying imported things. Which is actually the problem. We all think that way. We think goods and products made from other countries have much better quality. We want all our stuff "signatured" or "branded". Have you ever gone to any department store lately and looked for umbrellas made in the Philippines? Well, tough luck if you found one, because all of the products in the market are made from either US, Japan, Korea, China... any country other than Philippines. And we blame the government? Korea had three presidents imprisoned because of corruption. But they're not suffering as much as most Filipinos do. I say, we should be the ones to blame. You. Me. Him. Her. They. It's no yet too late though. We still have time. Patronize and love your own. Because no one else will help us but our fellow Filipinos too.


No walls. No glass. No hype. no pretenses. Just Me.