All About Her... Annoying!

Some people don't really know how to be modest. They are self-righteous, conceited and egocentric. Lord help me, what am I going to do with people like her?!? I have a friend (well, at least that's what I think we are) whom every time I talk to, I always find myself just feeding her ego. It's just all about her! And she's starting to get into my nerves now... she's just simply ANNOYING! And I don't want to hate her because she's nice... except for the fact that she talks about herself, her boyfriend, what they've been up to, her gimmick plans for the weekend, her friend's friend, the latest gossip about her other girlfriends, yada, yada 24/7... Hmmm.... believe me, she's nice, really...
I just don't get it sometimes. Why are there people like her who's very self-absorbed? I mean, hey, I've got a life too, can we talk about me now? And if I start sharing my own experiences/life stories, she'll interrupt with her experience that's somewhat close to my story, and there we go again... talking about HER. Limelight stealer! At first, I find her being hyper and perky funny and cute. But now that I've known her for quite sometime, she's really annoying. Still, I analyze, why is this person so into herself and always wants the attention on her. Is it because she's insecure and she doesn't want others to notice her misfortunes in life? Or is it because her childhood isn't much fun so she's making up for it? Or is it because she's simply narcissist? Whatever her reasons are, she's still annoying and if she ever gets into my nerves again, I'll really tell her what a self-centered bitch she is. What are friends for if you won't tell them they're annoying, right? And she ought to know what she's been doing, really. 'Cause isn't it a pity if you love yourself so much but your friends find you irritatingly annoying and you don't know it? 
If you happen to read this... analyze yourself if you've been a self-righteous, conceited, egocentric whore lately... take a few steps back, and try to be modest this time. 


No walls. No glass. No hype. no pretenses. Just Me.