A Blazing Rapture

Many attempted to define it, but no one ever really succeeded in concluding a perfect definition for it. It' a great feeling. An emotion so strong. It can make you or break you. It's unconditional, it's selfish, it's irrevocable... and so on. You know what I'm talking about...

But for me, I call it A blazing rapture. An undefined, unexplainable feeling of bliss that's almost always painful. It's flame could get you burned and at the same time, it's addictive. No matter how many times you get burned, you still want more of it. It burns even the very core of your being. But it soon heals. And you'll be ready to feel the blaze again... an addictive pleasure that could also be agonizing. 

As this rapture emanates into your soul, you can't stop. And admit it or not, you don't want to stop. Yes, you become a stupid idiot once it conquers you. You hate to admit it, but you know it's true. And you don't care as long as you can feel this heaven on earth. Nothing else matters to you. You feel everything's gonna be alright. It's the rapture part.

But not all our stories end up with happy endings... some still get burned, aflame, and they cannot survive the agony it brings them. They end up just defining it as a blazing-mother-fu***ng-painful-feeling. The rapture... gone. It's just ablaze now.

If you ask me, I'm currently experiencing the ablazing rapture part. The ecstatic feeling of delight that sometimes burns. But you won't really appreciate total happiness if there are no bumps and bruises along the way. That's all part of it. So just relish the experience and enjoy your ride. It's gonna be worth it. ;)



No walls. No glass. No hype. no pretenses. Just Me.